Day 7 – 03/24/2018

Actually, it is now the morning of Day 8 – Sunday in Japan. The Sun is shining, and it will be in the mid-60’s today. Again, I’ve never been in Japan during the Spring. And I have to say that I am liking it very much.

Saturday was pretty much a whirlwind of performances. After grabbing a good, filling breakfast, I hoofed it on over to DX to get in line early. Standing in that alley for two solid hours isn’t the most pleasant – but at least it wasn’t raining. If one wants to sit for performances at DX, you need to be amongst the first 30 or so.
A fellow from Germany I met last week was there again, and we were close enough in line to be able to continue our conversations. My friend Julia came a bit later, and I told her I would save her a seat inside. As promised, Sensei walked up with Nuit de Tokyo and introduced us. After a brief visit, they were off to buy Samue – not sure why they didn’t bring their own…. [Edit – I misunderstood…. They were actually performance wardrobe shopping for NdT’s model] Akira Naka walked by as well, and we shared a couple words.
The Yukimura Tribute was very good. Most of the same performers I saw last year. Somewhat surprising was permission to photograph during the latter part of the show. Check my profile for those – there are some worthy shots…

As for the highlights….. I do not know the names of a young couple who were first to perform. In September, I felt his tying was a little lacking, but this time it was spot-on. She had tears running down her cheeks at the end of it. And I was also moved. A beautiful, connected presentation.
Osada Steve’s performance with Waka Miho was very, very good. Yukimura’s most senior student, Steve-Sensei has a great feel for not just the mechanics, but the connection between Top and bottom.
Ibarako was totally on her game for this performance. She tied Iroha, and the connection between the two of them was very evident. And her tying was beautiful. I was very impressed.

The late show was Tenma Haru. I am disappointed I was unable to attend. But Sensei had requested I be at KinbakuLive last night. So, a stop by my apartment, grabbed a quick dinner, and back up to Ikebukuro.

I was walking up the sidewalk towards StudioSIX, when I saw a couple of Western guys in front of me. At that time of the evening, on that street – there’s a very good chance I knew where they were going. As soon as they turned towards the wrong doorway, I had to ask…. “Are you looking for StudioSIX?” They were. A couple of exhausted guys from Austria, in Tokyo for a couple days before proceeding to Kumamoto for martial arts training.
KinbakuLive was good. There were a number of photographers present, so the show turned more into a photo-op – but still a very solid performance. Tired as I was, I found myself relieved that I was not again asked to tie.
The exhausted guys from Austria were staying in Asakusa – not the easiest transit across from Ikebukuro. We laughed as they told me about their earlier train rides to Ikebukuro. I showed them the Tokyo Metro phone app – and suggested a much easier, and much faster route back. And promised Sensei that I would see them safely to the appropriate gate. Which I did. Walked with them back to the station – helped them get tickets, and left them at the Maronouchi line. On to the Fukutoshin for me, and back home…..