The adventure in this trip is centered around training. Thursday, I hardly got out at all. It was gloomy and a little rainy – and I was tired from previous days of training. I did observe K’s session that evening. And we were talking about going down to Kabukicho, but neither of us seemed much up to adventure.

Yesterday, I did get out and about. I’ve wanted to visit the Hokusai musuem. The man was a master artist, and the exhibits were impressive.
I am acquainted with a woodblock print-maker here in Tokyo. A modern master of the art. I dropped by his shop later in the day, and when I told him I had been, he informed me that most of the images in the permanent Hokusai exhibit are reproductions. Understandable, since most all of those old prints are so fragile, and sensitive to light, that exhibiting would destroy them. The part of this he finds upsetting is that they don’t make it at all clear this is the case.
I’m no expert on these prints – I simply enjoy the artistry and craftsmanship involved. But I do have to say – the reproductions being shown are quite good. I could clearly see the wood grain in many of them. That takes a very high level of resolution. So – the art is there. And it works into a long-winded discussion about the merits of the art versus “original” work. And the fact that Hokusai never touched most of the prints of his work anyway….

Another Garden, and a leisurely look through the National Sword Museum. It’s a small exhibit. But another display of amazing craftsmanship in every detail of Japanese sword making.

I avoided the train, and walked from there – up quite a way along the Sumida – to Asakusa. There are a couple shops I almost always visit when I’m here. As well as paying my respects at the Temple.

By then, it was time to get some dinner. Betcha’ can’t guess what I ate (hint – it was sushi). And back up to the Dojo for a long evening of training. I’m still absorbing 98% of it – so suffice it to say we worked on the details – subtle changes…

The three of us drove down into Shinjuku afterwards, and I could say we spent the evening at Yagami Ren’s house. Really – we pretty much spent the entire night there.
Ren-Sensei is an intense and talented person. His work is so very impressive. In this setting, we tied, watched others, and got to know some new people. And didn’t leave for home again until a little after 0400.

Long nights make for short days. And I’ve done little more than eat, rest, and review today. Need to take a walk down the street – and get some lunch. At this point it’s about all the time I have before going to sento, and back here to train yet again!